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Smooth Second Bastard

Smooth Second Bastard is a meditation on the difference between being asked “where ya from” and being asked “are you from around here?” Growing up where and how I did, I tend to see insider-outsider dynamics before I see prejudice. Such a viewpoint can be gracious or naïve, and I sometimes find it difficult to tell which.

The exhibition version consists of a triptych with 42" two-point touch surface + a 122" x 13" digital print + a 40" x 24" digital print.

Print: The exhibition version includes Smooth, a 122" x 13" digital print text-image, and Bastard, a 40" x 24" digital print text-images made with Mr. Softie.

The mobile version is called Bastard.
Bastard is sold in a Limited Edition of 100/100.
You can download it from the App Store here.

Source Code

iOS: Smooth Second Bastard - iOS
java: Smooth Second Bastard - java

Year: 2011


Text: Custom text
Font: Catalogue Regular
Exhibition: Custom Java for Windows
App: Custom Objective-C for iOS
Smooth ii: 13” x 122” digital print made with Mr. Softie.
Bastard: 24” x 40” digital print made with Mr. Softie.